How To Use Zoom Feature In Your Web Browser

Date 5/3/2013
Internet accessibility is important even if you are not suffering a visual impairment. Web pages should be designed with this in mind. Early web browsers were able to increase text size but not pictures or much dynamic content. Modern web browsers recognize this accessibility need and offer features to increase the size of text and pictures.

Using a zoom feature in your browser you can easily view a web page text more clearly.Firefox give a very handy option for zooming feature. Follow these steps.
1. Open your Firefox browser now go to view option and go to zoom. see the image below.

 When you resize text on a web page, Firefox will automatically resize all the images present on that page in the same proportion. So if you increase the size of text, images get bigger and vice versa.

While image resizing function in Firefox is very smooth, the problem comes when images include text (they will look blurred) or when images are too big already – zooming will then put the image out of the browser boundaries which is inconvenient.

If you are using Google chrome browser don't worry the same zoom feature is available in Google chrome for instance pressing "ctr and +" is zoom in and pressing "ctr and -" is zoom out and pressing "ctr and 0" set the page on its original size. 

See also:How to Change Browsers Default Search Engine In Firefox
