Make Your Facebook Profile Clean and Interview-Ready

Date 3/2/2013
If the prospect of going back over years of Facebook posts to determine whether some of them should be hidden or photos untagged is daunting, webapp SimpleWash (Formerly known as Facewash) can help. The service scans your posts, timeline, and tagged photos to make sure nothing incriminating is going on, and warns you if it finds anything. 

The app requires access to your basic profile information, and while it asks for permission to post on your behalf (make sure to set those posts to be viewable by "only me") when I tested the service it didn't post anything. The scanning process only takes a few minutes, more or less depending on how many public Facebook posts and tagged photos you have. When it's done, you'll see each category—photos you're tagged in, photos you've posted, status updates, and so on—and whether or not they're clean.

While the service uses its own metric to determine what's clean and what isn't, you can also use FaceWash to search your profile for any keywords that you might not want to appear. For example, if you're interviewing with a company and want to make sure any Facebook posts about that company are well hidden or deleted, you can search for the company's name and it'll show you any applicable results.

SimpleWash is fast and free, and when you're done you can always revoke its permissions so it's not hanging around. With Facebook's new Graph Search on the way, now's a good time to clean things up.You can read more about how the service works here.

See also:Social Memories On Facebook Create Your Own
