Customize Your Facebook Profile with Facetweak

If you have ever wished to customize facebook according to your styles or maybe creative design than FaceTweak plugin for firefox can work out in styling your overall facebook layout from themes to emoticons right in one package. FaceTweak comes with many tweaks that will surely give you a crazy feeling to use this plugin in firefox.
Well many features are now already established in facebook by default but still some missing features are covered by this little plugin. You will get bigger image on hovering your mouse over them, more cool emoticons will be added + we still have a list of good emoticons you can check out for facebook.
Now you can even download videos using this plugin easily. Google calendar integration and much more. The best part are the styles you get using this plugin.

 Styles from FaceTweak for Facebook

Facetweak covers your facebook layout with many different styles with some preview given below, the list is large so only three cool ones are displayed.

This plugin even comes with many other social targeted options like Auto Confirming Friend Requests, poking all your friends at once and may more. So now visit their website and install their plugin for firefox and start customizing your facebook layout.


1 comment

Unknown December 14, 2012 at 5:12 PM

nice and useful site