Make a Shutdown Shortcut Button in Windows

Date 13/2/2013
Are you still shutting down or restarting your Windows computer the old-fashioned way—through the Start menu? Did you know that you can create a shortcut so that you could do these right from your desktop? Making a shutdown shortcut is a faster and more fun and unique way of shutting down.

Here's whole procedure how to make a shortcut button in Windows.
  • Right-click on your desktop.Hover the cursor over "New" and click "Shortcut" on the next menu that appears.
  • After that a new Window appear now just copy and paste the following into the text field: "shutdown.exe -s" .Type a name for the shortcut. Click "Finish" when done.You can also create a restart button in Windows. To create a restart shortcut, replace -s with -r (shutdown.exe -r).If you want to change shutdown  timer, add -t xx, with xx being the number of seconds, to the end. By default, there will always be a 30-second countdown even if the -t xx portion isn't included.To add a "goodbye" message, type -c "your message" (including the quotation marks) at the end.

  • Now Right-click the shortcut and choose "Properties" and click "Change Icon" choose an appropriate icon. Finally, confirm your selecting with "OK" at both windows.
  •  When you're ready double-click the shortcut to initiate shutdown. You'll see a window counting down and your message will be shown. Once the timer runs out, all your programs will start to close and Windows will shut down.

This code would close each and every program and then shut down - the way Windows shuts down when you do it via the Start Menu. If you want to shut down instantly without closing your programs, use shutdown -s -t 00. This isn't recommended, though, as you won't have the option to save your work.


1 comment

Unknown February 21, 2013 at 6:00 PM

You Are most welcome .!!