A Text Programming Editor For Windows

Date 7/2/2013
Want to edit a programme code indside Windows then this application is useful for you ,Sure you can turn to a heavy IDE when you want to edit your code, but if you prefer a simple, lightweight, and extensible programming plain-text editor, our first choice is the free, open-source Notepad++.

  • Lightweight and fast
  • Tabbed interface
  • Syntax highlighting, including parenthesis and bracket highlighting (to make sure you don't forget to close anything)
  • Code folding/collapsing
  • A multi-item clipboard
  • Split-screen editing
  • File comparison
  • Auto-completion for supported languages
  • Built-in FTP browser 
 It's hard to beat Notepad++ in terms of price (free) to features. Since it's extensible, you can bend it to your will either using plug-ins someone else has written or by creating your own, and if it doesn't support your language-of-choice out of the box, you can install user-defined language files easily enough. I've already walked through how to get the most out of Notepad++, including enabling more advanced features like automation, column editing, auto-saving, syncing via FTP, and so on. Once you've got Notepad++ set up for the kind of coding you do, there's little you'll miss from other programming editors.
